
Invitation to tender - volunteer mapping

8 Rhag 2022

This work package is two-fold.   
- Develop and improve processes for Coed Lleol-Small Woods volunteer recruitment, induction, management and provision of ongoing support.

- Mapping of local opportunities for volunteering in the outdoors with the aim to support participants as part of their exit route from Coed Lleol-Small Woods programmes


Invitation to tender - Wellbeing Woodland Mapping

6 Rhag 2022

This work package is to create an outward facing web map (or series of maps) hosted on our website to show and promote the use of ‘Woodlands for Wellbeing’ across Wales.


Invitation to tender - population of learning management system

6 Rhag 2022

Using the platform ‘Teachable’, Coed Lleol-Small Woods (CLSW) are looking to appoint an individual or organisation on a short-term contract to populate the Learning Management System (LMS) with a range of training courses aimed at both internal organisational and external audiences.


ELMs, investment zones and deregulation - our response

29 Medi 2022

A change of government always leads to uncertainty and that is particularly the case currently.  We appreciate fully that the initial stages of a new administration can be a time of speculation and that many of the fears being expressed currently may well not be borne out. However, it is important to state that some of the ideas being discussed could give rise to very real problems, if realised.


World Nature Conservation Day 2022

28 Gorff 2022

The 28th July is World Nature Conservation Day, and this year the theme is ‘Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet.’ Forests and woodland are vital habitats for a huge diversity of plants and animals, and they’re also important in their capacity as carbon sinks – absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and therefore helping in our fight against climate change.


Insect Week 2022

20 Meh 2022

June 20th-26th 2022 is Insect Week – an annual celebration encouraging people of all ages to appreciate and learn more about insects. We’re joining in the celebrations by shining a spotlight on 7 insect species you can find in woodland – check back each day this week to learn all about these fabulous beasties!


Stress Awareness Month

1 Ebrill 2022

April is Stress Awareness Month, and to celebrate, we’re taking the opportunity to explore the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, and looking at how woodlands can help you improve your own wellbeing.  


The EFRA committee report - our response

22 Mawrth 2022

In a report published this week, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee stated that if the government is to create 30,000 hectares of new woodland every year in the UK by 2025, more comprehensive planting targets, better finance schemes and more accurate mapping are urgently required.


8 types of nest box to hang in your garden or the woods

18 Chwef 2022

This week we are celebrating National Nest Box Week here at Small Woods. Because many people prefer to keep their outdoor spaces neat and tidy, there is a shortage of natural nooks and crannies for birds and other animals to make their nests. Fortunately, we can help by providing safe boxes in which wildlife can build their nests, raise their young and hibernate over winter.


SWA commits to action, in pledge

16 Rhag 2021

Small Woods has signed up to the Climate Change and Forestry Accord 2021. This 2021 Accord reaffirms and updates the principles of an accord first agreed in 2015



Spring is sprung! Walking in the woods this morning, the spring flowers are pushing through the undergrowth, the birdsong in the trees is reaching fever pitch and the mammals large and small are on the move; attracting the attention of the kestrels and buzzards overhead. This is such a magical time of year and never fails to inspire and fill the mind with thoughts and plans for the year ahead.

We are getting this year off to a great start with two events this month that should prove to be very interesting. On 16-17 March we are hosting two Forestry Commission sponsored “Woodland into Management” events at the Green Wood Centre. The event will showcase some of the many ways that small woodland managers and owners can use some of the smaller-scale equipment available to them to improve woodland management in a sensitive, sustainable and cost effective way.

We are very much looking forward to the event as it provides us with an opportunity to look at the lessons coming from the SIMWOOD project, where we are again collaborating with the Forestry Commission, along with another 27 woodland management organisations from across Europe. Our principle in both initiatives is that the “wood that is valued is the wood that stays” and we know that Small Woods members value the woods where they work for a wide range of reasons. The addition of new techniques and ideas that promote management will make the 25-30,000 hectares of British woods for which Small Woods members are responsible across the UK more likely to be managed well. To say there is clearly demand from members for these events is an understatement – the first day sold out in 3 hours and the second in an evening. We are looking forward to two vibrant days exchanging experience and ideas.