Training & events » Event Calendar » Member's visit - Orchard Barn and Bonny Wood
Member's visit - Orchard Barn and Bonny Wood

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: 05 Aug 2023


Our visit begins with a fantastic talk and guided walk from Brad Morse  from Hawkins Forestry about their approach to woodland management in Suffolk and beyond. Brad and his colleague Josh are young contractors who have made a big and positive impact in small woods management.

Next we will meet with Sarah Partridge from Orchard Barn, an environmental education centre that specialises in natural and traditional building courses. This is a valuable opportunity to see the both the barn and the rebuilding of the 1580 Suffolk Long House, as well as hear from Sarah who is a very experienced trainer.

After lunch, we will have another guided walk around Bonny Wood where Peter Holborn and Richard Cage who have been volunteering for Suffolk Wildlife Trust for over 30 years, will tell us about the volunteer work they carry out to enhance biodiversity here. 

Download the full itinerary here